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  • Writer's pictureCayman Cricket

Cricket is Back! Here are some Important Updates and Guidelines

Sports plays a very important role in the Cayman Islands providing; athletic, academic, social, cultural, and economic opportunities for over 2,000 persons (participants, spectators and volunteers) on an annual basis. Cayman Cricket as the National Governing Body of cricket in the Cayman Islands, governs and regulates cricket on the island, improves infrastructure and facilities and aids in club development. Cayman Cricket formulates the regulations and rules governing cricket in the Cayman Islands in accordance with ICC guidelines.

Cayman Cricket has a comprehensive Development Programme, which encompasses improving domestic and national cricket with a strong focus on youth development.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the postponement and cancellation of many of Cayman’s traditional activities, including the closure of businesses and other community-based organizations. The effect has been felt globally as other nations have been faced with similar scenarios and challenges to restart their economies and social activities. Cayman with her strong tradition of family gatherings, social activities, volunteerism, and subtropical climate, has seen its people have to adjust to an unfamiliar way of life. Cayman Cricket by extension, has also had to postpone its annual domestic league competitions due to the Government of Cayman’s Covid-19 phased in directives.

There will be three phases that Cayman Cricket will be moving through that will vary in time depending on the circumstances sounding COVID-19. The phases are as follows: Phase I – To Start Immediately

• The registration fee for 2020 has been automatically moved to 2021.

• The 2020 competition rules will be the same as stated prior.

• Each Player must confirm their participation in the competition by Monday, September 7th 2020.

• Each team will use the new Cayman Cricket Match Day Team Sheet to confirm their player pool/attendance on each match date. No other form will be accepted.

The competition format will be as follows:

T20 in Cayman Premier League format

• Teams are always encouraged to field their strongest team, while keeping an eye on developing their talented youth players as much as possible.

• Cayman Cricket with the assistance of each club, (volunteers) will provide Covid-19 Officers to encourage 'Safe Social Distancing' and Best Match Day protocols.

We ask each team to support this mandatory stipulation, to ensure cricket is played and conducted according to global health guidelines via the Ministry of Health.

Phase II – Expansion of Services

Cayman Cricket would see the resumption of training for our clubs

• Maximum of # 25 per session (including coaches)

• The ground staffs will maintain the required social distancing to prepare the pitch and wear a mask and gloves

• Players and coaches must arrive dressed to each session

• All equipment will be sanitized prior to and after the practice

• a bathroom will be available for hand washing

• Hand sanitizer/wipes will be made available

• All players and coaches will maintain the 6-foot physical distancing

• There will be no sharing of gear or personal belongings (bats, pads etc)

• All players will have their own water bottles and will not share any fluids

• All coaches will be wearing masks and gloves throughout the entire practice

• Players will be seated maintaining the 6-foot physical distancing in their area

• Training will be off-limits to spectators

• All players will depart the grounds immediately (within 30 minutes) after training has concluded including all coaching staff

• Players will not be allowed to shower at the ground

• Each player will have their own ball for usage during each session (to be sanitized prior to during and at the conclusion of each session)

• Each player will touch his or her ball only and the batsmen will either kick or hit the ball back to the player if the player cannot collect the ball themselves

Phase II – Moving to Normal

Cayman Cricket would see the resumption of match play for our teams. All the below guidelines are listed to ensure that Best Practices are followed, adhered to and can be recorded/reported post-match day to the applicable agencies.

• The Cayman Cricket competition would be limited to T20 match play only to reduce the amount of time each player is on the pitch

• A match Manager would be onsite to ensure that each team follows the Covid-19 regulations

• Only one ground (JPO) will be used for this competition

• Each Player must register with his own equipment and sign waiver

• Each ground would host a doubleheader if required (2 matches) to limit the number of fields required and to ensure proper monitoring and enforcement of the Covid-19 guidelines could take place

• Each ground would have maximum number of spectators that would be allowed to attend

• All spectators (number to be decided) would have to pay an entry fee, so that the number of attendees can be officially recorded

• Bathrooms will be accessible with 1 person being able to enter the bathroom at time.

• Signage and awareness messages for senior citizens 65+ and Children under the age of 12 advising of risk

• A medical sanitizing station will be mandatory for the players, coaches & umpires to have access to

• All players would have to remain in their designated team seating area during the match with the required social distancing measures

• All spectators will be barred from entering the players zone

• Umpires will be mandated to wear masks during the match and will hold additional balls for sanitizing

• These procedures would apply into Phase 4 and until advised otherwise by the ICC, WHO, Cayman Islands Ministry of Health or other government agencies/directives

Other Important Details

Social Distancing:

Cayman Cricket will take necessary precautions to ensure that fans practice social distancing at matches:

• Spectators will be restricted to their own area

• Spectators will be asked to keep 6ft apart

• It will be mandatory for spectators to wear face mask when moving around

Cayman Cricket will take necessary precautions to ensure that fans practice social distancing at matches:

• Spectators will be restricted to their own area

• Spectators will be asked to keep 6ft apart

• It will be mandatory for spectators to wear face mask when moving around


The Covid-19 Pandemic offers challenges but also opportunities for Cayman and its people to collaborate and modify the way we have been operating. Best practices will be followed which will allow for a new direction in which our sports clubs can operate.

1. Promotion of community events

2. Possible online streaming of matches

3. Improved health and safety protocols

4. Government partnerships

We sincerely thank the community for its patience during this time. We are excited to finally be back in action, on the field, providing sport and entertainment for those with a passion for cricket.

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